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It's All Good

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

It's all good. Blog post Akinmoju Busayo Writing
It's all good

Checking In!

I am writing this while I am almost sleepy. It was a really busy day. It has been a really busy day.

Starting work is really requiring a lot from me. A new job, and all of the new demands. Right now, I am working with really tiny babies and I have to figure out what they need – even though they literally can’t speak. It is a lot to learn. Just figuring out all of those subtle things that can be pretty dangerous – or not mean anything at all. And knowing the difference.

Is this a metaphor in some way?


Still, I did take a break last month from blogging. I think it was something I needed. Not only because of starting a new job. But also just because it is important to take note of the subtle signs that you need a break. Not just a physical break. Sometimes, you just need a break from mental exertions. Sometimes to take a step away from things, and then come back with a better perspective.

Or, just come back with enough energy to deal with everything.

Earlier this year, I was firing on all cylinders. I am not sure that is the case right now. It will definitely pick up – it always does. But even though I missed coming here with a new blog post, I hope I am coming here a lot better. With a clearer mind, a fresher perspective. And something nice to share with you.

So, let me give you an idea of the things I have been thinking about in the past month or so that I have been away.

What my current interests have been

I have watched a lot of Netflix shows in the past month.

Some of them, I only started and didn’t finish – because life is a finite amount of time, and why spend it on something you aren’t even enjoying? I tried watching this Korean drama, even though I pretty much am uninterested in that genre of cinema (except Squid game. Is that also k-drama?)

After watching it, I think I made the right call by not being interested in K-drama in general. It isn’t that bad. I just don’t think it is something that is very different from any of the shows I usually watch. And watching a movie in a language I cannot speak just makes it feel odd in a way. Like I am not getting all of the sensations I should be getting in a movie. All of those subtle things that get lost in translation.

It is even more awkward when it is dubbed. I actually hate that.

Okay, but really, here are some of the movies that I did enjoy watching.

· Workin’ Moms – Especially the last season. It has a lot of feminist overtones – and unabashedly so. I love how it is very unafraid of discussing all of the headaches that come with being a mother in the workforce. And to do so in a way that is real, humorous, but not self-pitying or angry.

· Sweet Magnolias – I haven’t even finished watching this. It has a lot of seasons. And a lot of episodes. But it has such a feel-good vibe to it. I still want to see how it goes.

· The Empress – why? Because I am finding it hard to wait for another season of the crown. This one feels like one of those fatty milk chocolate substitutes that look just like real decadent chocolate, but are obviously something else. I like it because well, it is still chocolate. It is still historical drama – a genre that I oddly very much enjoy. But I really can’t wait to have the real thing. Who else enjoys watching The Crown?

Also, as a brief aside, I watched The Surrogate, and didn’t enjoy it too much. It just started feeling stressful seeing a woman go through all of that – especially since she just had a baby. And all of the things she went through were pretty much just meaningless, class (and ethnic) based discrimination. But that’s just me. Someone might find that sort of thing interesting, to see how it all works out. These things happen in the real world, after all.


YouTube music is showing me that I have been listening to a lot of Mariah Carey (big surprise there ha-ha).

But, has anyone else found a song from a time in their childhood that you just know how to sing it, but also don’t even know what the song’s name is? Or who even created the song?

I felt that with Get Down on It. I just found it while randomly scrolling on YouTube shorts, and there it was. It is probably my second most listened-to song in the past month. It is such a cheerful song. So much fun to dance to.

I am still listening to Lorde’s Melodrama. I am hearing whisperings on the internets about a fourth album from Lorde. So soon? Well, I would be happy to see it. And all of the attendant aesthetics that come with each album cycle.

In some current affairs news, I heard Twitter is now called X.

Just that. X.

So odd. I’ve been on that app for eight or so years now. Maybe nine.

I still haven’t updated the app. So, I still have all of my usual experiences with Twitter. It is still called twitter on my phone.

Still, it is sad to see it become this very odd thing I cannot recognize anymore.

Is Instagram calling me? Especially since I have a blog?

It actually is. I might go ahead and open an account. Let’s see.

Hoping you are good.

Hoping you are keeping safe.

Hoping you are enjoying good art. Because if you’re not, it means you are only entertaining bad art.

Hope to hear from you. What have you been up to in the past month? Let me know in the comments!

Take care.

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